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Freedom from limitations . Accessing our truest potential . Reconnecting with Self

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Transformative Immersive Experience

A 180 mins session where you can immerse yourself in our carefully curated healing chambers that are powered by advanced light therapy devices and other tools that generate harmonic frequencies that effectively cleanse and balance your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Our sessions engage all senses by employing frequencies of light and sound in combination with the elements of taste and smell to bring you back to a state of homeostasis on a holistic level. 

Our chambers are enhanced by space harmonising modalities like Biogeometry that creates a safe space that amplifies energetic qualities found in sacred sites and power spots around the world, making it conducive for deep healing experiences and for connecting with oneself.

At the end of the session we will use energetic psychology modalities to balance deep self-sabotaging programs that might still be looping in the recesses of your subconscious mind.  This is to rewrite any old narratives from past experiences that we might be telling ourselves, in order to break free from patterns that limit the full expression of our potential. 

Session includes a complimentary consultation and BioWell Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) analysis before and after the session to have a look at the state your energetic being; the state of your Aura, 7 Chakras and the flow of energy through the 12 meridians. 


A personalised bottle of either Bach Flower/ Australian Bush flower homeopathic remedies will be prepared for you to consume over the next 2 weeks after the session. 

Session Includes:

- BioWell GDV Analysis
- Customised Light & Sound Therapy session (60 mins)
- Aromatherapy

- Personalised (1) Bottle of homeopathic remedies (30 ML)

- Crystal Harmonisation

- Subconscious balancing using energetic psychology
- Organic Blue Lotus tea


-Copper: 3 Sessions at 10% off

-Silver: 6 Sessions at 15% off 

-Gold: 9 Sessions at 20% off 

Duration: 180 Minutes.  Cost: $261 

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Rejuvenating Immersive Experience 

A 120 mins session where you will immerse yourself in our carefully curated healing chambers that are powered by advanced light therapy devices and other tools that generate harmonic frequencies that effectively cleanse and balance your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Our sessions engage all senses by employing frequencies of light and sound in combination with the elements of taste and smell to bring you back to a state of homeostasis on a holistic level. 

Our chambers are enhanced by space harmonising modalities like Biogeometry that creates a safe space that amplifies energetic qualities found in sacred sites and power spots around the world, making it conducive for deep healing experiences and for connecting with oneself.


The first session will include a free consultation and BioWell Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) analysis before and after the session to have a look at the state your energetic being; the state of your Aura, 7 Chakras and the flow of energy through the 12 meridians. 


A personalised bottle of either Bach Flower/ Australian Bush flower homeopathic remedies will be prepared for you to consume over the next 2 weeks after the session. 

Session Includes;

- BioWell GDV Analysis ( Only for the first session )

- Customised Light & Sound Therapy Session (60 mins)

- Aromatherapy

- Personalised (1) Bottle of homeopathic remedies (30 ML)

- Crystal Harmonisation

- Organic Blue Lotus tea 




-Copper: 3 Sessions at 10% off

-Silver: 6 Sessions at 15% off 

-Gold: 9 Sessions at 20% off 

Duration: 120 Minutes.  Cost: $180 

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Remote (Distant) Session

A 60 mins session done remotely from a distance, using our light therapy devices and other modalities. You do not need to be physically present in our space to enjoy the benefits of the session. All we will need is a full-body photograph of yourself and your full birth name.


The harmonic frequencies generated by the devices and tools will be sent to you remotely through the photograph as it is entangled and connected to you energetically on the quantum level via the photons (light particles) that were captured by the camera. As change is stimulated in the captured particles in the photograph, particles in your biological and energetic system would start to receive the information immediately and thus change accordingly. 

Session Includes;

- Remote Light & Frequency Therapy Session

- Consultation before and after the session 


-Copper: 3 Sessions at 10% off

-Silver: 6 Sessions at 15% off 

-Gold: 9 Sessions at 20% off 

Duration: 60 Minutes.  Cost: $126

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Psycho-Spiritual Integration (PSI)

The transformative PSI protocol is developed as a supplement to fulfil our highest potential and live the life that we want. Designed to replace limiting programs in our subconscious, programs we picked up from our environments and ingrained in our psyches since we were children. It enables us to get transmute self-sabotaging behaviours that stem from deeply entrenched negative programs to positive ones, empowering us to live the lives we desire. 

Employing pulsing light and sound frequencies to lull the mind into a Theta state, the protocol then projects a list of positive affirmations tailored for the individual to reprogram the mind. The results are impressive, reducing the time required to rewire a habit from an average of 21 days to 6. 


Enhance your life and embark on your 7-day subconscious detox journey with us today!

Sessions Includes;


Day 1: 45 - 60 Minutes

Bio Scan + 30 Mins PSI Session

Day 2 - 6: 30 Minutes

PSI Session

Day 7: 30 Minutes

Heka Session

- Customised Audio Track of Positive affirmations

- Customised Light and Sound Therapy 

- Aromatherapy

- 1 Heka Session on Day 7

- Personalised (1) Bottle of Bach Flower Remedies (30ml)

- Organic Blue Lotus Tea

Duration: 225 - 240 Minutes (Across 7 Days).  Cost: $780 


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Assemblage Point Realignment

This 60 min session is designed to recenter your energetic body by realigning the Assemblage Point, a point at the very centre of the human electromagnetic field where energy enters the being. Normally located on the breast bone, the point is not fixed and moves based on the state of the individual. The exact location and angle of the Assemblage point has a direct effect on a person’s energy and is linked to activity in the body’s organs and glands, affecting an individual's behaviours feelings and health. This transformative session using the Theragem system is designed to realign your Assemblage point back to its original position and angle to create a positive shift on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Session Includes:

- Gravity Plate 10-15mins

- Light & Sound Therapy (Theragem System)

- Aromatherapy

- Personalised (1) Bottle of Bach Flower Remedies (30 ML)

- Shungite Harmonisation

- Organic Blue Lotus tea

Duration: 60 Minutes.  Cost: $180 


session add-ons

Add Ons
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Add On

The Gravity plate is a vertical vibration machine that administers vibration therapy, based on the science of gravity and how it affects our bodies.


The machine uses mechanical force to push the body against gravity and lets gravity take over as it drops. This repeated motion puts you in a state of zero-gravity and stimulates movement in the physical body to promote detoxification as it drains the lymphatic system, facilitating a healthy flow of lymph.

It also promotes increased oxygen flow thus resulting in a stabilizing effect on the nervous system thereby reducing stress.


It is a recommended add on to have before any one of our sessions as it relaxes the body and clears the channels in your system to receive the harmonic frequencies from the various sensory inputs, ultimately resulting in a much deeper experience.

Duration: 10 - 15 Minutes.  Cost: $36 

Gravity Plate
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Add On

bach flower


The Bach® Original Flower Remedies is a natural, safe, simple, effective & complementary modality that balances and restores one’s emotions. It can be taken along with any other form of treatment. A gentle and graceful way to reconnect with yourself and to achieve inner balance to navigate through life.

Usual Bach flower remedy sessions include a 1- 2 hour session with a therapist. For Pharos Holistic Wellness, we use a Bio-Feedback Scan that sends the frequencies of the homeopathic frequencies to the client to read and determine which flower remedies the individual actually needs in a matter of minutes. This saves time and is an accurate way to know which flower remedy is required.

With this add on, you will receive a personalised bottle of homeopathic flower remedies that you will consume over the course of the next 11 days. 


Duration: 10 - 15 Minutes (Across 10-14 Days)  Cost: $54 

Bach Flower Remedies
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Add On

Our Biometric Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and BioWell Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) scans are able to produce a huge range of accurate measurements in graphical form in a timespan as short as just 5 minutes. This gives you an accurate indication of your state of being in a particular moment.


These devices provide a snapshot of the state of our electromagnetic field, brainwave patterns, neurohormonal regulation, mental, emotional and psychological conditions and the flow of energy through our energy centres and meridians.


This will be followed by a Biorhythm analysis that is a computer program that generates a graph that is based on an individual’s physical, emotional and intellectual cycles over a 73-day time frame. This illustrates a projection of the ebbs and flows an individual goes through over that time period in regards to physical, mental and emotional states.


This then creates a valuable opportunity for the planning of routines and schedules to optimise energy levels over a given amount of time.

Duration: 30 - 40 Minutes.  Cost: $63 

Biometric Scan
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